Papers Presented at Selected Professional Meetings,
Seminars and Universities

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21. Encontro Nacional de Editores e Livreiros, Brazil Publishers Association, guest speaker for three management sessions on generating profitable growth with limited resources, Fortaleza, Brazil, August 16 -19, 2006.

22. Publishers Association of Argentina, presented during the Buenos Aires International Book Fair one-day seminar on "Strategic Planning for Growth" and series of lectures on "Global Growth for the Independent Publisher" April 18-22, 2006.

23. Steinbeiss Graduate School of Business, Berlin, Germany, visited NYU on March 29, 2006, presented for the MediaMBA students an "Overview of the Media: Book, Magazine and Online Publishing" as an intense information and workshop program.

24. 20th Slovenia Book Fair, Publishers and Booksellers Academy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 27-29, 2005, hosted by the United States Embassy and the Slovene Publishers Association, presented lectures on "Financial Survival and Growth of the Independent Publisher in Micro-Markets" for Central and Eastern European Publishers.

25. 19th International Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany, October 6, 2005, Chairperson and speaker, "Spanish Language Rights: Europe and South America" including eight guest speakers.

26. Responsible for taking a trade mission of the Canadian Publishers Association to China, including organizing seminars in Beijing and Shanghai and meetings with fourteen publishing organizations, June 10-19, 2005.

27. BookExpo America, New York, NY, June 2, 2005, presented lecture on "Doing Business in China: Export and Rights Sales" as Editor of the book, The Publishing Industry in China.

28. Steinbeiss Graduate School of Business, Berlin, Germany, March 18, 2005, presented for the MediaMBA students an "Overview of the Media: Book, Magazine and Online Publishing" as an intense information and workshop program.

29. 18th International Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, October 5, 2004, Chairperson for "Doing Business in Asia" including eight guest speakers.

30. Beijing Graphics Institute, Beijing, China, August 29, 2004, presented paper on "Education and Training for the Publishing Industry in China"

31. General Administration of Press and Publications, New York, NY in cooperation with the BookExpo America, June 2-4, 2004, presented Seminar and Workshop on "Marketing and Sales Management for Book Publishers."

32. German Publishers and Booksellers Association, Annual Meeting, May 18, 2004, Börsenverein, Bonn, Germany, presented Keynote address on the "Recovery from the Crisis"

33. Shanghai Administration of Press and Publications, Shanghai, China, February 20-21, 2004, presented Seminar and Workshop on "Human Resource Management for Publishers"

34. General Administration of Press and Publications, Beijing, China, February 16-19, 2004, presented Seminar and Workshop on "Marketing and Sales Management for Book Publishers"

35. Beijing General Administration of Press and Publications, October 31, 2003, New York University, presented Seminar and Workshop on "Education and Training for the Publishing Industry"

36. 17th International Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany, October 7, 2003, Chairperson and speaker, "A Fresh Look at Rights: Recent Developments in France and Germany"

37. University of Amsterdam, International School for the Humanities, Symposium, September 24, 2003, presented a paper on "The Transition from Papyrus, Parchment, Paper to Pixels"

38. Beijing Administration for Press and Publications, Beijing, China, January 13 - 15, 2003, Chairperson and lecturer for "Magazine Management: Licensing, Copublishing and Joint Ventures for Growth" seminar.

39. 18th Slovenia Book Fair, Publishers and Booksellers Academy, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 27-29, 2002, United States Information Agency and the Slovene Publishers Association, lectures on "Role of the Independent Bookseller vs. Chains in building Readership" and "Marketing and Sales Management for Publishers"

40. 16th International Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany, October 8, 2002, Chairperson and speaker, "Potential Languages for Income Growth and Added Value for Authors."

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