Papers Presented at Selected Professional Meetings,
Seminars and Universities

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41. University Press Publishing Management Seminar, New York, July 15-17, 2002, Chairperson for special program developed for twenty-eight University Press Directors from China and guest speakers from nine American University Presses.

42. Shanghai Administration for Press and Publications, Shanghai, China, June 10-13, 2002, Chairperson and lecturer for "Creating a Demand as publisher and distributor - Filling the demand as publisher and distributor."

43. BookExpo America, New York, NY, May 3, 2002, Chairperson and lecturer for seminar on "Rights: A Global Perspective - English, Reprint and Digital Rights."

44. BuchMarkt Forum, München, Germany, April 26, 2002, Book Publishing Seminar on "Management in Turbulent Times", presented keynote address on "Plan B for Managing in Tough Times."

45. Society for Scholarly Publishing, Top Management Roundtable, Washington, D.C., February 14, 2002, "Going Global" keynote address and conference coordinator.

46. General Administration of Press and Publications, Beijing, China, January 21, 22 and 23, 2002, Chairperson and lecturer for "International Magazine Publishing Management for Growth" seminar.

47. CMP Media Inc., Global Publishers Conference, Barcelona, Spain, January 29, 2001, keynote speaker on "Publishing in 2001 and Beyond."

48. China Ministry of Information and Publications, Beijing, China, January 15, 16 and 17, 2001, Chairperson and lecturer for "Managing Magazine Publishing for Growth" seminar.

49. Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany, October 17, 2000, Chairperson and guest speaker for "Heaven or Hell: High Tech Electronic Rights Income."

50. Japanese Booksellers and Publishers Association, Chicago, Illinois, June 2, 2000, lecture on "The Three Major Change Factors in the American Book Market: Demographics, Technology and Globalization."

51. Book/Expo Convention, Chicago, Illinois, May 31, 2000, presented a paper and organized a seminar on "How to Import Books from Europe: France, Italy and Germany."

52. International Publishers Association 26th Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2, 2000, presented a paper on "Education and Training for the Publishing Industry."

53. New York University, Villa La Pietra, Florence, Italy, February 2-5, 2000, organized and managed special management seminar on "E-Commerce: Developing New On-Line Businesses for Publishers."

54. China Ministry of Information and Publications, in Beijing and Shanghai, January 16-28, 2000. Organized and presented seminar for 243 publishers on "Managing Organizations during Change: Strategic and Financial Planning for Growth."

55. Frankfurt Book Fair Fellowship Program, Frankfurt, Germany, October 13, 1999, lecture on "Publishing for Professional Markets: From Print to Global Digital Delivery."

56. Book/Expo Convention, Los Angeles, CA, April 29, 1999, presented a workshop on "Ten Steps for International Publishers to Enter the American Market."

57. Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, April 23-25, 1999. Conference on Education and Training for Publishers in the 21st Century; Lectures on "Designing a Publishing Course: Curriculum, Syllabus and Content" and "International Cooperation in Professional Education."

58. Association of American Publishers, Professional & Scholarly Division, Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 8, 1999, presented paper on "Marketing and Selling Information Online Worldwide."

59. Frankfurt Book Fair Fellowship Program, Frankfurt, Germany, October 10, 1998, lecture on "Publishing for Professional Markets: National, Regional and Global"

60. 11th Moscow International Book Fair, Russia, United States Information Agency, September 2-6, 1998, Program Coordinator and lecturer for Publishing and Bookselling Seminar and Workshop Series.

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