Papers Presented at Selected Professional Meetings,
Seminars and Universities

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61. New York University, June 18, 1998, New York, International Conference for Publishing Management, Chairperson for "The Economics of the European Book Market."

62. 6th International Librarian Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, March 27, 1998, lecture on "Tomorrow has suddenly become yesterday - Information services and technology developments"

63. International Division, Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels GmbH, Frankfurt, Germany, October 14-20, 1997, Series of five lectures on "Marketing, Sales and International Rights" for Central and Eastern European Publishers during the Frankfurt Book Fair.

64. United States Information Agency and the Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, April 22-24, 1997, Chairman and faculty member for seminar program presented to over one hundred-thirty Chinese publishers and University Press directors on "Publishing Translations"

65. Academy for Educational Development and United States Agency for International Development: Chairman and faculty for Kazakhstan Booksellers and Publishers Training Program, Washington D.C. and New York City, August 11-30, 1996.

66. Saxon Information Initiative Institute, Leipzig, Germany, April 13, 1996, presented paper on "Electronic Publishing für Klein- und Kleinstverlage."

67. United States Information Agency, Latvian Publishers Association and Soros Foundation, Riga, Latvia, October 2-4, 1995, Seminar Chairman and Speaker, "Marketing, Co-publishing and Rights Management."

68. United States Agency for International Development and the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 11-16, 1995, Seminar Chairman for over ninety publishers and faculty, "Financial, Marketing and Sales Management for Publishers"

69. Association of American Publishers, Annual Meeting of the Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division, Washington, DC, March 8, 1995, "Market Research in New and Developing Global Markets"

70. Association of American Publishers, Professional & Scholarly Publishing Division, New York, NY, July 19, 1994, Seminar Chairman and Speaker, "The International Climate for Journal Subscription Sales"

71. United States Information Agency and the Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, June 20-24, 1994, Chairman and faculty member for program presented to sixty-four Chinese publishers on "Marketing and Sales Management in Book and Magazine Publishing"

72. United States Information Agency and Polish Chamber of the Book, Warsaw, Poland, June 14-18, 1993, Seminar Chairman and Speaker, "Marketing and Sales Seminar for Publishers"

73. American Booksellers Association and Soros Foundation, Bucharest and Cluj, Romania, March 20-28, 1993, School for Booksellers, lectures on "The Role of the Publisher in relation to Booksellers in Promoting and Marketing Books"

74. United States Information Agency, Moscow Academy for Journalism and VAAP Copyright Agency, Seminar Program in Moscow, Kiev, St. Petersburg, and Vilnus, July 20-29, 1991, Lectures on "Principles of Marketing and Financial Management in Publishing"

75. United States Information Agency, Seminar Program for Publishers in Budapest, Prague and Warsaw, October 9-20, 1990, Lectures on "Economics of Book Publishing"

76. International Group of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers, London, UK, December 7, 1989, Workshop Program Chairman and Speaker on "Hypertext Applications in STM Information Services"

77. Stanford University and the Italian Publishers Association, Salone del Libro, Torino, Italy, May 7-11, 1989, Stanford Advanced Management Publishing Seminar, "Economics of Publishing" and "Financial Management"

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