Papers Presented at Selected Professional Meetings,
Seminars and Universities

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1. "Financial Management for e-Book and printed Book publishing" and Resident Fellow and faculty, Yale Book Publishing Course, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, July 25-29, 2011

2. In cooperation with China's General Administration of Press and Publications, organized and presented Seminar and Workshop on "E-Publishing for the Higher Education Markets" in Beijing, China, May 19-20, 2011.

3. Keynote guest speaker on the topic of "Technology and the Future of the Book: New Digital Publishing for Africa" for Publishers Conference, Nigeria International Book Fair, Lagos, Nigeria, May 10, 2011

4. Organized and presented leading paper on "Introduction to the E-Book and Digital Publishing" as part of Knowledge Forum, Hyderabad, India, January 20, 2011

5. Presented "Evolving structures, demands and opportunities in the New Digital Age of Publishing" as part of seminar: Publishing in India: Challenges and Opportunities, Ambedkar University, New Delhi, India, January 17-18, 2011

6. "Challenges of Digital and Online Publishing" as an overview and introductory program of six days for the Shanghai Administration for Press and Publication and the Levin Institute, New York., December 1 - 8, 2010.

7. A basic introductory seminar of principles and case studies "The Challenges of Digital and Online Publishing" as a six day program for the General Administration for Press and Publications presented at the Levin Institute, New York, New York, October 27 - November 3, 2010.

8. "The Role of Digital Broadcasting in the New Media" a two day management seminar created specifically for the Shanghai Administration for Press and Publications, held at the Levin Institute, New York on August 28-29, 2010.

9. "The Economics of the Book Publishing Industry" and "Financial Management in Book Publishing" for the Yale University Publishing Course, New Haven, Connecticut, July 19 - 23, 2010.

10. Developed an expanded six day management seminar on "Digital and Online Publishing: Principles and Practice" in cooperation with the Shanghai General Administration for Press and Publications and the New York Levin Institute, New York, January 7-13, 2010.

11. "Digital and Online Publishing: Recent Innovations and New Platforms" presented by three guest speakers from New York and organized by the General Administration for Press and Publications, Beijing, China on August 26 - 28, 2009.

12. FACES Conference: Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford, "On Common Ground 2009" guest speaker on topic of "Capitalism and International Media: Publishing in China and the United States" Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, April 15 - 17, 2009.

13. Organized and presented five day "Executive Management Seminar" including guest speakers for 21 sessions for a delegation of Chinese Publishers in cooperation with the General Administration for Press and Publications, The Levin Institute, New York, NY, December 15 - 19, 2008.

14. Digital Publishing in China: A Review of Current Programs in China organized by the General Administration for Press and Publications and the BIZ Office in Beijing. Served as coordinator and chairperson for the program hosted by the Frankfurt Book Fair. October 15, 2008

15. Conference on "Professional Publishing in Asia" in New Delhi, India, presented three lectures and chaired one session for a program sponsored by the National Book Trust of India, February 1 - 2, 2008

16. Management Seminar for Chinese Publishers - An intensive six day program for book, magazine, newspaper and online publishers. Presented for the General Administration for Press and Publications by Center for Publishing, New York University, NYU Executive Conference Center, New York. December 3, 4, 5 -10, 11, 12, 2007

17. In cooperation with China's General Administration of Press and Publications, presented Seminar and Workshop on "Strategies for Growth: Digital and Online Publishing for Magazine Publishers" New York University, NY, November 14 - 16, 2007.

18. 20th International Rights Directors Meeting, Frankfurt Book Fair, Germany, Coordinator and speaker, "Digital and Online Rights in the Global Arena" including eight guest speakers. October 9, 2007

19. Responsible for taking a management group of the Association for Educational Publishers to China, including organizing seminars in Beijing and Shanghai and meetings with twelve publishing organizations, August 26 - September 8 2007.

20. Organized and presented special seminar on "Management of Digital and Online Publishing" in Beijing, China for the General Administration for Press and Publications, March 25 - 28, 2007.

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